+385 1 4663 666

27. srpnja 2011.

Bugarska 2011. do 2013

Već deset godina organizira se edukacija o ženskim ljudskim pravima za pravnice i pravnike i ovaj je program prepoznat u svijetu kao izuzetno kvalitetan i značajan. Predavači/ce dolaze iz najcjenjenijih svjetskih sveučilišta a njihove preoruke mogu znatno doprinijeti dobivanju daljnjih stipendija ili nalaženju posla. Iz Hrvatske kao predavačica sudjeluje Ivana Radačić, Institut Ivo Pilar . Program je u cijelosti za izabrane besplatan.

The training will take place in Bulgaria (2011-2013) in four sessions and is for young lawyers from Central and Eastern European and the Newly Independent States (CEE/NIS). University degree in Law and good command of English are compulsory. The completed WHRTI application form and all supporting documents must be sent to the Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF) by 31 July 2011, to the following e-mail address: or.

Aplikacija se može naći na stranicama Gender Research (BGRF) centra a ovdje možete vidjeti što sve traže da se popuni.

Application Form

Please send completed application by 31 July, 2011

Please include "Application to WHRTI (2011-2013)" in the subject line. 

(The form and all supporting documents must be submitted in one email and must be in English.)


Applicants who have been selected for an interview will be contacted by late August 2011. 

A. Personal Information

 Last Name ______________________         First Name ________________________

 Current Mailing Address: _________________________

 Contact Number: _________________________     Mobile Number: _____________

 Email Address: ______________________________

Describe your English language proficiency by marking one of the boxes in each row:








Please, provide a list of certificates in English language, if applicable:

Please confirm that you can make a two year commitment to the program (meeting four times over the two year period, approximately 5 days each time):

B. Education

Please, indicate with a symbol (*) those courses/classes/training mentioned bellow where the language of instruction or supervision was English.

Academic qualifications

Please list all academic education you have achieved since completing your secondary education.


Dates Attended

Focus of studies

Degree and

Date Received/ Expected

If applicable, list any courses you have taken on or related to international human rights and/or gender studies classes:

Please note your licensing status in regards to your ability to practice law:

Professional trainings

Please list any training that you have received on human rights issues, including women's rights:


Dates Attended

Focus of the training

 C. Work Experience



Dates Employed

Title / Position

Describe, in 250 words or less, any experience you have working on human rights and/or women's rights issues (developing strategies to promote human rights and/or women's rights and the rule of law; campaigning for legislative changes; providing legal advice; providing expertise at training workshops or educational seminars; preparing materials for publication, etc.):

Describe, in 500 words or less, any litigation and/or other legal experience you have with: 1. International Human Rights Law – using regional and international human rights instruments and their mechanisms, for example the European Convention on Human Rights or UN treaties; 2. National law in the area of human rights protection.

If you are working on litigation, include a description of the types of court cases you are working on and the legal and other challenges you are facing working on those cases. Please make sure to include a description of any cases that include gender issues. If you are working on several cases related to gender, please, choose one or two cases that pose significant legal challenges. 

If you are currently working or studying outside the Central Eastern European region, please describe your commitment to return to the region or to work on issues in the region:

Will the organization/institution that you currently work for support leave from your work so that you could attend all 4 sessions over a 2 year period?

If yes, submit a letter from the head of your organization/institution stating this as well as any benefits the organization sees in having you attend this training.

Please describe your relationship to the organization / institution that will support your attendance at the training (are you a full-time employee? Part time? On contract? Other relationship, please describe). Include your job responsibilities.

D. References

Please, attach letters from 2 references (One of whom must be professional. Include academic reference, if possible, otherwise both references should be professional). Each reference should include in the letter the answer on the following questions: (1) How long has the referee known the applicant? (2) What is her/his professional relationship to the applicant? (3) What is the quality and nature of the applicants work (4) What is the commitment of the applicant  to work on issues concerning women's rights or human rights

If you are unable to attach the letters from your referees, please ask them to send the references to one of the addresses stated at the beginning of this application form.

Please, provide the following information about your referees:

First reference

Title and name


Phone number



Second reference

Title and name


Phone number



C. Programmatic Inquiries

 Rank your experience and interest in the following issues using a 1 through 3 continuum, with 1 as the highest:



Violence Against Women

 Reproductive Rights

 Employment Discrimination

 Attach a 750 words commentary on the substantive and procedural shortcomings that women in your country face in accessing justice in one of the three topics of the WHRTI. Briefly suggest some changes that would improve the situation.

 How did you hear about WHRTI?

 □  A colleague                         □  A former WHRTI participant            □  Other – please specify:


□  A friend                           □  Internet search                                         __________________

Briefly explain, in 250 words or less, your interest in women's rights issues and why you are interested in participating in the WHRTI as well as what are your expectations from it.

Question only for participants from countries non members of the Council of Europe:

Please explain, in 250 words or less, why you are interested to attend the WRHTI, and more specifically, the course and moot-court on the regional mechanisms for women's rights protection as the ECtHR and the course on the EU law. What would be the added value for your work and for changing  the situation of women in your country.

F. Check list of documents you must submit along with this application form

□ Curriculum Vitae

□ Letters from 2 references (see section D.)

□ Letter of support from the head of your organization/institution (see section C.)

□ A 750 word commentary on the substantive and procedural shortcomings that women in your country face in accessing justice in one of the three topics covered by the WHRTI. Briefly suggest some changes that would improve the situation. (see section E.)

In signing this form I confirm that the information provided here and in other submissions to this application is correct.

Signature : ________________________________Date:_______________________

Telf / fax : +359 2 963 53 57


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